Downloading/updating the app

In this article
  1. 1 Download
  2. 2 Update

1 Download

To download the iOS app:




  1. Open the App Store.
  2. Search for “Hexo+”.
  3. Tap on “Download” and wait until the circle over the icon is completely filled in
  4. Then tap “Open”.






To download the Android app:




  1. Open the Play Store.
  2. Search for “Hexo+”, then tap to download.
  3. Wait until the progress bar reaches 100%
  4. Tap “Open”.





2 Update

We strongly encourage you to use the latest update of the Hexo+ app since it ensures the best flight performance and safety. Outdated versions of the app and firmware will not supported by warranty.

Note: You can also set your phone to automatically update apps.

To update the app on iOS:

  1. Open the App Store and tap the “Updates” button on the lower right-hand corner.
  2. Tap on “Update” next to the Hexo+ app.


To update the app on Android:

  1. Open the Play Store and tap the menu button.
  2. Go to “My Apps”, then tap on “Update” next to Hexo+ app.
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